If you get the to the part where you name yourself, don't press P or Esc. I forgot to stop those controls from working while you type your name in and it causes a soft lock. My b.

Fish Styx

Just a normal fishing game. Definitely nothing else.

Had a lot of fun with this one. I ended up adding a leaderboard via playfab, tried my hand at a tetris style inventory system and added in a dialog system. I was happy with everything except the dialog system, it's definitely getting reworked later. Playfab was also kind of annoying because it only works with integers and has no sorting. So I had to do some extra work to get a leaderboard based on lowest time to work.

I also added in an audio effect for when the lure is underwater so the audio is muffled. But sadly it doesn't seem to work on the webgl version.

Made for Acerola Jam 0. Jam link


Controls are displayed in game, but here you go anyway.

  • WASD for movement
  • Space for dash
  • Q - heal and to call Charon over to you.
  • E for interact
  • Left mouse button - Shooting, fishing and the minigame
  • I - Close inventory
  • Esc or P  for pausing

- Added a windows version in case people prefer that or the browser version isn't working for you.

Spoilers below
  • There are two endings and both have their own leaderboards.
  • The bad ending happens if you catch fish and turn them in.
  • The good ending happens if you catch the red fish. This fish will trigger an option to fight Styx.
  • The red fish gives you a gun on the final stage, the blue fish gives you a dash and the other fish give you a health pot each.


fishstyx_win.zip 38 MB


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Very relaxing actually. Love the artstyle and animations, not a big fan of this jumping keyboard mapping, but overall I had a good time